
Perfect Event Services Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of FSE Lifestyle Services Limited (stock code: 0331.HK), which is a listed company in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. FSE Lifestyle Services Limited is a leading lifestyle services conglomerate. Our competencies are: property and facility management services, city essential services, and E&M engineering services.

FSE Lifestyle Services’ competences are being delivered through 8 major groups of companies which have all been the market leaders in respective industry. They include: Urban Group, Kiu Lok Group, Waihoung Services Group, FSE Environmental Technologies Group, Hong Kong Island Landscape Group, General Security Group, Nova Insurance Group and FSE Engineering Group. With their professionalism and expertise, together with the extensive synergies generated among member companies, FSE Lifestyle Services is able to offer a full range of professional facilities as well as the entertainment and travel industries in Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland China.